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  • 勒热夫之战 影音先锋

    加载中 ℃
  • 状态:HD
  • 备注:Игорь Копылов
  • 主演:
  • 类型:战争片
  • 地区:俄罗斯
  • 发行年份:2019
  • 更新时间:2020/5/7 3:24:39
  • 如果喜欢《勒热夫之战》,请分享给身边的朋友
  • 影音先锋在线观看(来自优酷网数据,无需安装播放器即可观看。)
  • 勒热夫之战影音先锋剧情介绍
  • 影音先锋After several months of fierce fighting,the Red Army finally knocks the enemy out of the village of Ovsyannikovo,which costs huge losses - only a third of the personnel remain from the company. Exhausted to the limit,the soldiers are waiting for reinforcements,but an order comes from the headquarters - to keep the village at all costs,and this is tantamount to a death sentence. The company commander faces a difficult choice - either to lose the remnants of the company,following a meaningless command order,or to withdraw his people from mortar fire,but at the same time leave their positions and go to the tribunal for violating the order. In extremely realistic details,only one fierce battle is shown,IN which,like IN a drop of water,the whole truth about the war is reflected.影音先锋
    上一篇:铁蹄下的村庄 下一篇:激情燃烧的零式战机
