  • 一种牛奶、肉、蒸糕的内合 影音先锋

    加载中 ℃
  • 状态:完结
  • 备注:
  • 主演:不详
  • 类型:艺术
  • 地区:韩国
  • 发行年份:2015
  • 更新时间:2017/11/17 10:08:00
  • 如果喜欢《一种牛奶、肉、蒸糕的内合》,请分享给身边的朋友
  • 影音先锋在线观看()
  • 一种牛奶、肉、蒸糕的内合影音先锋剧情介绍
  • 影音先锋High school friends Joo-yeon, So-jin, Hyeon-mi and Seon-hee have been close since they were young but don’t pour their hearts out to each other. Joo-yeon is an office girl, So-jin has been taking the bar exam for 4 years, Hyeon-mi was born to be solo and Seon-hee who is out of reach one day receive a picture of a rose and get together for the first time in a while. They say the plates break when three girls gather at once. Seon-hee isn’t there yet but Joo-yeon, So-jin and Hyeon-mi released the vanity they’d kept inside for so long.影音先锋
    上一篇:浪漫派丈夫的信 下一篇:她深深的爱情
